Sunday, October 18, 2015

There is no Compton Avenue in Monopoly.

Remember in the game of Monopoly when you trade in four green houses for a big red hotel? I expected to see a real life version of that when husband and wife attorneys had me list 305, 307, 309, and 311 Compton Avenue for sale. Little green houses on land that was zoned commercial, ready for that big red hotel.

The first offer came from a large apartment construction company. Were they interested in buying it all to build a big red apartment building? No. They bought just the end property at 305 Compton for office space. Next a dentist bought the other end at 311 and half of the land on 309 Compton. Finally a local builder bought 307 and the rest of 309 Compton for their office.  

Like the game of Monopoly, we ended up with a variety of players. My client’s marker got to pass Go and collect $200. The others all got to buy the properties they wanted and can offer their guests plenty of Free Parking.